WIP - Photogrammetry - Sculpture Scan - Display.Land

In this excercise, I used an app called Display.Land to scan this sculpture. I then imported it into Maya to clean it up since the process isint always that clean (depending on the scan). I had to reconstrcut a foot and close some holes in the mesh.

WIP - I want to clean its topology and place it in a scene or VR experience soon. Stay tuned!

ArtPieceCREDIT: Joaquin Restrepo

Turn table of the model scan

The scan was pretty messy so I had to import it into Maya and clean it up a bit. I deleted the excess data and cleaned the rough edges from the scanned model.

The scan was pretty messy so I had to import it into Maya and clean it up a bit. I deleted the excess data and cleaned the rough edges from the scanned model.

Since the scan didn't quite properly record one of the legs, I had to recreate it. The mesh now needs to get its topology cleaned up.

Since the scan didn't quite properly record one of the legs, I had to recreate it. The mesh now needs to get its topology cleaned up.